Make Profit From Mini-site

Friday, May 22, 2009
A mini-site is a 2-3 page website that sells a single product. That product can be anything from a very short PDF report to a high-ticket service. The product really doesn't matter. What counts is the business model.

A mini-site is quite possibly the simplest online business model there is, for several reasons:-
  1. It's easy to set up
  2. It doesn't require much technical expertise at all
  3. It's easy and simple to set up a mini-site in a few days

5 Keys To Mini Sites Success

There's absolutely nothing mysterious about how to be successful with mini-sites. The keys to success are the same one you'll nees for almost any marketing effort, whether online or ofline. That's one of the great reasons mini-sites are a good starting point for many new marketers. 5 keys to mini-sites success are:-

Finding a Hungry Market

Copywriting legend Gary Halbert used that phrase to describe a market that's almost desperate for what you want to sell. Think about a restaurant that opens up right in the middle of a busy business district. They'll be swamped with customers because they sell what those people are hungry for.

In mini-site terms, this means you need to find a niche that has a need for information you can deliver. That information can take several diffrent forms, but it's pretty easy to think about an ebook, so let's stick with that example. So find a market hungry for an ebook you can give them.

Have a Hot Product Targeted at Your Niche

That means having a product that's exactly something people in your market want. The closer you can get to what they want right now, the more successful you'll be. Imagine a crowd that desperately wants to find out how to cut their home electric expenses and you give them a guide telling them how to slash their costs by 80% or more. They'll beat your door down, if you keep the next key in mind.

Have an Attractive Price Point For Your Product

This is completely driven by your market. If you charge $1,000 for an ebook, that might be in line with the market will bear, or it might be outrageous. Only a little research into what people in your market are paying for things will help you know. beyond that, you'll have to experiment with prices to see what sells.

Have a Compelling Sales Copy

Remember, when people buy an information product online, they don't get to see it or touch it. The only thing that's going to sell information you're offering is your sales copy. It has to press the emotional hot buttons that will compel somebody to take out his wallet and give you money.

Make a Payment Quick and Easy

This means you absolutely must accept credit cards. That's how must how people buy online (and with PayPal) which you should accepts as well). If you don't accept credit cards, you'll loses sales.

Armed with all the tips, you'll be in great shape to succeed with a mini-site and you will soon start profiting from it.