Making The Right Choice

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Most people just react. Most people just make the easy decisions. It is easy for one to continue to keep making the wrong decisions. For online marketers, the same holds true. Those who jump around from one thing to the next may not be making the right decisions. Those who log onto the Internet and simply react may not be making the right choices.

If someone decides to write one article per day, and submit one article per day to article directories will generate results. Someone who writes 5 pages per day of an e-book, will generate results. Someone who attempts to build a new relationship each week will generate results.

Over time, those who are taking those consistent and focused actions will accumulate results. If years have passed, and you have not seen any results, what have you been working on? It is possible that you have not been making the right choices up until now.

The question to ask yourself is what choices can you make moving forward? But, how do you make the right choices? How do you know you are making the right choices? Well, remember it is cumulative. Your choices add up over time to generate specific results. You are where you are right now because of the choices you made in the past. It is cause and effect. If you want different results, perhaps you need to take different actions. Perhaps, you need to make different choices on how you spend your 24 hours in a day.