Guidelines to Transmuted Your DESIRE Into its Financial Equivalent

Thursday, May 22, 2008

So, I've bought a book Think & Grow Rich by famous author, Napoleon Hill. I haven't finish reading it yet but I would like to share with you the 6 step how to turn your desire into its Financial Equilvalent. Practise it, it might help you.

  • 1st Step:- Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty of money". Be definite as to the amount.

  • 2nd Step:- Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as "something for nothing.)"
  • 3rd Step:- Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
  • 4th Step:- Create definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
  • 5th Step:- Write out clear,concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
  • 6th Step:- Read your written statement aloud, twice daily once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As you read - see and feel and beleive yourself already in possession of the money.

Now, it is important that you follow the instruction described in these six steps. It is especially important that you observe, and follow the instruction in last step (6th).

Good Luck :)

Are You Right For Internet Business Marketing?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Quite a few people make a nice living with Internet business marketing. But is this career choice right for everyone? Here are a few examples of attributes that are necessary in order to make a living with online marketing.
  • You must be a creative individual. Marketing involves looking at what is going on in the world and finding ways to help make a product stand apart from the pack. In order to accomplish this goal, it is often necessary to see things in a completely different light. Creative people use these insights to create campaigns that will make people stand up and take notice, and entice them to go to the next level and make a purchase.
  • Another attribute that is required for successful Internet business marketing is an analytical mind. The ability to identify important data and assimilate the information in ways that help to catalog useful parts while filing the rest away can help make courses of action very clear.Having a mind that is geared toward detail, and knowing how to relate different pieces of information effectively, will make all the difference in the quality of the campaign's final appearance.
  • Last, the successful online business marketer will possess a high level of self-discipline. Unlike people who report to a boss each day, there is no one to stand over a marketer's shoulder and make sure essential action items are addressed and resolved. The marketer must organize the workday, dig in, and get the work done. Any business marketing professional that cannot get things done will soon find that opportunities dry up and there is no work to be found. No work means no income and there soon will be no business. Unless you have the ability to structure your time and get things done every day, you will never manage to succeed in the field of Internet business marketing.

Making The Right Choice

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Most people just react. Most people just make the easy decisions. It is easy for one to continue to keep making the wrong decisions. For online marketers, the same holds true. Those who jump around from one thing to the next may not be making the right decisions. Those who log onto the Internet and simply react may not be making the right choices.

If someone decides to write one article per day, and submit one article per day to article directories will generate results. Someone who writes 5 pages per day of an e-book, will generate results. Someone who attempts to build a new relationship each week will generate results.

Over time, those who are taking those consistent and focused actions will accumulate results. If years have passed, and you have not seen any results, what have you been working on? It is possible that you have not been making the right choices up until now.

The question to ask yourself is what choices can you make moving forward? But, how do you make the right choices? How do you know you are making the right choices? Well, remember it is cumulative. Your choices add up over time to generate specific results. You are where you are right now because of the choices you made in the past. It is cause and effect. If you want different results, perhaps you need to take different actions. Perhaps, you need to make different choices on how you spend your 24 hours in a day.

Follow the Footprints

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

At this point, I can tell you that becoming rich is a matter of choice. It is a matter of focus and it is a matter of taking consistent action towards your goals. The people who are rich got that way by following the same types of steps as everyone else who is, or has ever been, rich.If getting rich is something you want, then what you need to do is find the footprints, and follow them.

…Because, success and wealth leaves footprints.

Your job is to find the footprints, analyze them, understand them and follow them in a bold manner. Once you have the formula, it is up to you.There will not be anybody coming to your aid. The responsibility is on your shoulders and no one else.Because you see, the footprints are there waiting for you to follow them, and only you can walk for yourself. Nobody is going to carry you to the finish line. You have to walk for yourself.

You see, one of the best ways to become rich, is to follow what rich people do. Find someone who is rich in your field and do what they do. Follow them and study them and ask them questions. You’ll ultimately plow your own path, with your own unique style and traits and specificities, but you will be following the basic formula for wealth.

The point is, “Do what rich people do”…

How To Be Creative

We often feel jealouse watching or hearing other people success stories. Why do they succeed and why don't we? Often we read, to succeed we need to be creative. But looking into yourself, you think that you will never be creative. You don't know how to be creative. You are not born to be creative.Wrong!! The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to consistently give out great results. How to unleash your creativity/ creative thinking?

You have to do some open-minded thinking to come up with creative concepts. But to actually make any money from your creativity, you need to have mix activities that includes exploring for new ideas and developing the best of them into practical applications. Here is a simple four step process for turning ideas into action:-


  • In this step, you recognize a need of opportunity and ask questions that begin the creative process.


  • In this stage, you engage in the imaginative, uninhibited thinking that taps into artistic side.


  • Now you need to get more practical. Take a critical look at all wild ideas and choose one or a few that seem most promising. Work on these ideas to see how to make them more practical and feasible.


  • Finally you need to complete the creative process by pursuing successful adoption or implementation of your new idea or design.


Sunday, May 4, 2008
My post today is for you and for myself. In pursuing our dreams, often we feel weak. Esspecially when day after day we see that all of our effort haven't give any outcome. Often we feel like we wanted to give up. And the frustration make us loose our concentration and forget why we need to achieve our dream, what we have wished for before. The tips is DON'T YOU EVER EVER GIVE UP.

The greater your dream, the more you will find yourself facing obstacles and problems. But please NEVER GIVE UP. Give your full commitment and energy to get what you want even though there is so many problems that sometimes might make you feel weak and loss your interest anymore.

Any failure or mistake that you’ve made is a lesson for you so next time you can avoid you do the same mistake when you face the same situation. There more mistakes you make, the closer you are to success. That mistake will make you more cautious and alert and so that you will make a plan to face it for the next time. If you make a mistake, then change the way you deal with it, don’t deal with problems the same way you make a mistake before because you will do the same mistake again and fail again. DON’T GIVE UP because your success is maybe hiding at the back of your failure.

Google Adsense......MUST KNOW!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
It's labour day? Are we IM consider as a labour? Well i think we are. Lets pamper ourself today. Ha ha...actually I feel weak today. I cant concentrate on what I'm suppose to do. But that doesn't matter. Today I found out some more Google AdSense tips to share with you. Well maybe its not a tips but just a guideline. Here we go now.

  • Put Enough Ads On The Page: Google allows you to have three ad units, one link ad, two search boxes, and two referral units on each and every page of your site. Use them! The more ads you have, the more revenue you will earn.
  • Choose the Right AdSense Ad Unit Format: There are three ad units that seem to work well, regardless of the topic or layout of the site overall. Those three are the 336 x 280 rectangle, the 160 x 600 skyscraper, and the 300 x 250 rectangle.
  • Put The Ads In The Right Place: Start by adding link ads to your navigation menu. These will get a large number of clicks. Place ad units under headlines, a skyscraper on the right side of the page, and another rectangle ad at the bottom of each page, just under the text.

That's it for today. New tips will be coming soon. Explore!!