4 Tips If You Want To Join Google Adsense

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Alright, you must have heard about Google adsense before so I won’t explain it now. However last week I’ve read an eBook Adsense Profits Exposed. It’s a good book for a starter in this program or newbie’s. To be honest, I’ve sign up with google adsense 2 years ago but until today I only get $0.30. That’s funny. Somehow, I’m unemployed right now so I want to be serious with this program.
Ok, so this tips maybe not suitable for those who have master Google Adsense but if you want to comment, please do. The tips are:-
1) Sign up with Google Adsense
  • Read Google Term of Services. Furthermore, even after you are approved and you start running Google ads on your site, if you break the TOS, you will be removed, and possibly banned, from the program. One mistake that so many would-be AdSense publishers make is not reading the TOS, the Program Policies, and the guidelines. Google lays these out in very specific terms, so there is no doubt as to the rules. They are also very serious about these rules. Often, people skip this step in the preparation – reading the rules – work hard to build a site, only to be disapproved by Google, or to be approved, but then banned from the program later.

2) Do a research for high paying keywords and choose your niche

  • You have to know which keywords to target – the ones that will make you the most amount of money per click, and how to write (or have written for you) content that draws those high paying ads. Often, this is the hardest part for what are known as ‘AdSense publishers.’ When we get into this, the secrets will start unfolding. You can find out what the top keywords that are being searched for using web based tools such us http://www.wordtracker.com, http://www.overture.com or using your tools in your Googe Adwords if have an account. Once you have a good list of what people are searching for the most, the next step is to find out how profitable those keywords are. Not all frequently searched for keywords are profitable, and if you hope to make a full time living with Google AdSense, you need high paying keywords.
  • The right keyword for you to choose is the one which have high search each month and high amount of advertiser that’s pay for the keyword.

3) Build Your Website

  • Now you can start build your website. If you don’t know how, you might want to consider to have a blog such as blogger.com. Your site should be full of content that uses your keywords. A keyword density of about 2 to 3% is great. This means that your keyword should be used approximately 2 to 3% of the time in your content. So, for a page that has 600 words of content, the keyword would appear twelve to eighteen times (600 x 2% or 600 x 3%).
  • There is more to it than targeting keywords. The content must be accurate. It must be readable and understandable by visitors. It must be unique. You want your site to look nice, to be informative, and to load fast. You want it to attract the right ads. You do not want anything on your pages that will irritate your visitor, such as blinking, blinding text or music.

4) Drive Traffic to your Website

  • Without the traffic, you won’t get any clicks, and without clicks, you won’t be earning any money. Methods such as article marketing, forum marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social networking, blogging, and social bookmarking all work very well.

That’s just some of the tips but it is a MUST. I will keep update you later. But my advice to you is do your “trial and error”. The more mistakes you make the more you will learn.

Simple way to Generate your Business Idea

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Most of people think the only way to be rich is by doing business. But they usually get stuck up trying to find what type of business they should do. THE BUSINESS IDEA MIGHT BE IN YOU!

You don’t have to look at other people business as an example. Just find it in yourself. Maybe there is a million dollars business idea in you. Think about your industry where you work right now. What you’ve study, what you have read that caught your interest or maybe even your hobby or skills. Yes, every hobby has an excellent business opportunity hidden in it which can turn a hobby into a great money making machine. Why? Because ANY business you decide to become involved in should be doing something you LOVE something you believe in, something that you would work at NO MATTER what income it would generate.

Take sometime that can help you decide what type of business is good match with your abilities. Take a sheet of paper and draw up two columns. In the left-hand column, list all your hobbies, interests, and skills. In the right-hand column, translate those interests into possible business ideas. Having done this exercise, balance the possibilities against the criteria important to you in starting a business.

Set a Deadline For Your Goal

Monday, April 28, 2008
You goals must have a deadline. This again, is so that you know when to celebrate your success. When you are working on a deadline, your sense of urgency increases and achievement will come that much quicker.

A goal without a deadline is not a perfect goal. A goal without a deadline is simply just a dream. Attach a realistic yet challenging deadline for accomplishment and post this where you can review it regularly. How long is the perfect deadline? 1 month? 6 month? 1 year or 10 years?
Most of people are afraid to set a deadline of their goal because they’re afraid that they can’t achieve their goal before or when the deadline comes. If it doesn’t meet the deadline, it might make their passion go down, so they let the deadline to be anytime. THIS IS WRONG!

By setting your deadline, you’re setting a firm goal. What will happen if you can’t meet the deadline? Easy…..set a new deadline. It will teach you to work harder and be more realistic.

Write Your Dream on A Paper

Sunday, April 27, 2008
It is very important for you to write what your dream is. Write it in your diary, or put it in your wallet or put in at the place that you will surely go and see every day such as on the mirror, your cupboard or your table, on the wall next to your bed. The same way you did when you tried to memorize math’s formula when you were a student.

When you write your dream or your ambition, it is like you promise yourself something and you need to make it happen. It is like a contract between you and yourself. And when you keep seeing it, it will help you to remember your promise to yourself everytime you forget. If possible, write down the reason why you need to fulfill that promise too. So that you won’t take it lightly. Everyday when you see or read your promise (dream), you will try to do something that will contribute to achieving that goal. At least 0.01% effort. It’s better than you did nothing.

When you write your dream on a paper, it becomes real, because you can touch it. If you just keep your dream in your mind, then you are just dreaming.

Key Success Factor to be Rich

Saturday, April 26, 2008
The key to success is your passion to be rich. I have that passion. I dream of my big house, my dream car, about how easy my life when I finally gain my financial freedom. Your passion will be the accelerator and the motivation for you finally get what you want which is TO BE RICH!!.

Whatever your dream is, it depends on how much you want to achieve your dream. If you have two reasons why you want to be rich for example to so you can drive Ferrari car, and to court and finally marry beautiful girls, then YOUR PASSION IS NOT VERY HIGH! But if you have hundreds and more reason for you to be rich then those reasons will then accelerate your passion. Simple Formula here:-


Most of people wanted to get rich. Some of them wish and pray to get rich. But they forgot to make a decision to be rich. When they didn’t make a decision to be rich, they didn’t take necessary action to reach their dream (to be rich). They didn’t try very hard and they did not make any sacrifice to get what they want. Without making a decision that YOU WANT TO BE RICH then it is like you take your dream lightly (Its ok if you get rich and its ok if you not)

So from today, make a decision that you want to be rich. That decision will then give you focus and motivate you. Remember the formula above. Your 100 and more reasons will give you passion and then will give you thousands and more ways to achieve what you want.

My Inspiration : Success Stories

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
While i read other people blog to update myself, i found about this two teenage. Ashley Qualls and Thilak Raj Ra. Two young success Internet 'entrepreneurs' that make huge income from google adsense.

Ashley Qualls.Her numbers are indeed impressive. 17 years old high school dropout. Made more than $1 million. Earns as much as $70K a month. Her website provide myspce layout for those myspace member to make over their myspace look. Her main income came from google adsense and her first cheque is $2,790. She reject few offers to who want to buy her website at $1.5 billion cost!!

According to Google Analytics, Whateverlife attracts more than 7 million individuals and 60 million page views a month. That's a larger audience than the circulations of Seventeen, Teen Vogue, and CosmoGirl! magazines combined. You can check her website at http://whateverlife.com/.

Ashley Qualls

Thilak Raj Rao is a 18 years old boy, from India is now a successfull blogger. His monthly income is around $3000 which is from programs such google adsense and advertisement etc.His first income from googel adsense is around $287 at 7th November 2006. On Mac 2007 he maked $3204. Imagine you're 17 years old, and in your pocket you have that much of money. I wonder what I will do with it.

His Success Formula is “Patience + Passion = Lots of Money”. He become a success blogger after blogging consistently for almost 7 moths. The tips here is, never give up update you blog eventhough you cant see any income for 7 months, a year...keep update, because day by day you will learn, and you might discover your weakness and improve it. That make a success blogger.
Back to Thilak, you can check his blog at http://tech-buzz.net/. For me, i admire his work. For a 17 years old boy his blog is very impressive for me. I envy his creativity. I wish I have is patience to learn.

Thilak Raj Rao

Online Business for Dummies - ebay

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I bought this book last two weeks. Its cost me RM125. Actually its a present from my hubby knowing how much i love Internet Making Money Program. I haven't finish reading it yet. But I will try to share some valuable tips from the book with you all later. Would love to see your response and comments.

my dream car

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Nissan Fairlady 350Z

This is my dream car the fairlady. This picture also now become my wallpaper. Haha...just for your information, before this i put a picture of LG Shine handphone as my wallpaper. My dream handphone. And after two months, i bought that handphone. It's a nice feeling. And for sure i buy it with my own money. My second month salary after working with one of public sector company. Now i put the nissan fairlady picture as my wallpaper. Wishing that i will get soon. Maybe not in two months....but maybe in a year or more. Depends...if i can get rich faster. Ermm...if i can get side income from internet. As for my career as business development executives which give me a pay aroun RM2k, i beleive i will never get this car any sooner or maybe never.....

Alright.. i google about the selling price of this car. Its around RM180-280K. I'm not good in reviewing the feauture of any cars, but what attract me about this nissan fairlady is it design. It's very cute....love it. I dont care about the feature. Same as why i love lg shine. Because i like the design, slim, slide...and the shining effect. I just love it. Everytime i hold it in my hand i feel proud. Eventhough it's doesnt support 3G features. I'm not gonna use it anyway....

I dont know how to drive. Thats funny, eventhough i already have a driving license, somehow, all of the broadcast about car accident in tv, radio and newspaper scare me. But Yes!!! If i can get this car...i beleive i will force myselft to learn to drive again, chase my fear away.

Zoela Dreams

Monday, April 14, 2008
salams buat sume kengkawan yang kat sana. Hari ni zoela dengan bangganya menubuhkan satu blog khas untuk diri zoela. Untuk hidup zoela. Bercerita tentang cita-cita dam impian dan mimpi dan apa-apa ajelah. Blog ini mungkin terlalu general.Emmm...sebenarnay zoela dah banyak buat blog. sumenya sebab gile sangat nak kayo. Nak buat internet bisness,tapi sampai skarang sumenya tak menjadik lagi. Dalam blog ini zoela secara jujurnya nak bercerita tentang usaha zoela mencapai impian yang tak kesampaian lagi.Kalo ada yg nak bagi semangat dan tips2 tu time kasih bebanyak.

Orait....pada majlis perasmian ini zoela ingin nak cite sikit tentang perjuangan zoela ini. Zoela umur 24 tahun tahun ni. Sejak tiga tahun lepas zoela mula tahu pasal bole buat duit melalui internet ni. Program pertama yang zoela join kalo tak silap ialah program paid to click..atau rakan2 sejenisnya yang bernama studiotraffic. Ada jgak la buat duit masa tu, but baru je nak masyuk tetiba je program tu tak wujud dah. alamak.....zoela ada lagi balance income yang tak sempat nak withdraw...haha...tapi takpe...zoela tak putus asa sebab tu langkah pertama zoela. And then zoela terbaca plak iklan pasal ebook tsunami wang yang ditulis oleh kalo tak silap encik Kamal Ariffin. Nak beli ni...tapi nak beli plak akaun maybank tadak, papal tadak, egold tadak and apa lagi la credit card. Zoela masa tu student lagi kat Uni. Nak berkorabn sangat, zoela pi la bukak akaun maybank pakai duit ptptn.

Hmmmm.....pastu tak reti plak nak pakai online banking. Hahahha....lucu gak...zoela plak jenis yang malu bertanya pada orang.So zoela blajo le sendiri. Skali tu zoela bukak egold. Pastu nak beli la egold dari somebo0dy tu....zoela chat dulu ngan dia dalam YM. ..hmm...tengah nak buat transaction tu tetiba plak keluar pop up kata i need TAC no untuk confirmkan bayaran. Alamak...menatang apa tueee.....zoela terus tanya orang tu....siot....orang tu gelakkan zoela...dia kata "Where On Earth Are You Coming From?" Cisss......Zoela selamba badak cakap zoela orang kuching n selepas tu zoela malu sendiri sebab zoela baru perasan zoela telah memalukan oarang-orang kuching. Uwaaawawa....semenjak itu zoela buat suma sendiri.
Erm...okay....zoela pun pegi la register zoela punya phone no. kat atm. Orait...pastu zoela mula rajin beli ebook. Buku Tsunami wang tu penggerak semangat Zoela yang pertama. Zoela mual join yahoogroup, zoela mula kumpul emel address orang. Tapi pastu zoela punya konsentrasi mula hilang sebab sibuk ngan study. But yeah....from time to time zoela tetap berusaha. Buat blog la...blaja google adsense la....beli ebook lagi la...masuk skim la....phewwww....sampai skarang zoela tak dapat apa-apa lagi. Maybe sebab zoela malu nak bertanya kot. malu nanti oarng ketawakan zoela lagi....

Maka sebab itu zoela wujudkan blog ni. Kalo orang nak ketawakan zoela pun tak p-e...zoela tak nampak pon...hahha

Kawa-kawan...meh la kita sama-sama blaja yeeee....tolong zoela ye...zoela nak kaye...nak buat rumah untuk mak kat kampung tu...tehn nak beli rumah plak kat kl ni. Pastu nanti nak beli plak kete idaman zoela Nissan fairlady tu....kalo ada rezeki nanti nanti zoela bawak la kengkawan sume naik kete tu. tapi two seats je.....